Public Policy and Advocacy

Periodically, we will highlight other like-minded organizations in the Tucson area. We will feature ways they are advancing equity

Each time we feature an organization, we will include options that allow you to take individual action.

——- 2024 September ——–

My Vote, Our Voice
At the state and local levels, AAUW is busy preparing for the November 5 election.
Betsy Flaten and Bev Byrd, co-chairs of the state Public Policy committee, are
collaborating with AAUW California to launch a postcard campaign and with national
representatives for Proposition 139 publicity. National will put information on their
website as well as do email blasts to Arizonians. There are concerns about voter
fatigue about the proposition. The November ballot will have 13 propositions and 3
amendments. Proposition 139 (propositions are listed in numeric order) will be close to
the bottom of page 2.

Here in Tucson, we are initiating a Get Out the Vote campaign. With the help of Create Protest, we have a bold sticker designed to emphasize the act of voting as well as its positive community effects. Thank you, Julie, Cynthia, and Julie of Create Protest, for your assistance on this phase!

Stickers will be made available to AAUW members to distribute to friends and family. Other organizations such as the Tucson Young Professionals (TYP) have shown interest in our stickers as well as other Arizona branches.

September and October will see tabling at the University of Arizona and Pima
Community College campuses. We need volunteers! Signup at our upcoming
luncheon on Saturday, September 14.

——- 2024 June ——–

Talking about Public Policy and AAUW’s mission is what we do but it more than just public policy. It is advocating for legislation and education on women’s issues. For this reason, the Public Policy Committee is considering a branch bylaw change to be renamed the Advocacy Committee. Watch for more information on this upcoming initiative.

——- 2023 November ——–

You might be most familiar with the signature girl-led, entrepreneurial Cookie Program (thinking of Thin Mints orTrefoils?). But did you know by participating, girls learn about decision making,  people skills, money management, and business ethics?

However, the Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona have many other programs you may not be familiar with—in particular, staff supported programs.

Learn more by clicking on GSSoAz Article 2023 10 31.

——- 2023 October ——–

Let’s face facts –
The work of advancing equity for women and girls is not yet done! Women’s rights to health care, fair pay, and a quality education are still being challenged. We need informed citizens of all ages to continue act through their voices and votes. Public Policy is the formal expression of AAUW’s priorities in fulfilling its mission of advancing equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research.

National Level…
The National AAUW organization lobbies for bills to support our work. At a national level, sign  up for AAUW’s Two-Minute Activist at This service provides timely information on legislation and links you to your legislators so you can express your opinion.

AZ State Level…
Watch this page to learn more about Legislative Day at the Arizona Capitol in February 2024. It promises to be a day of learning and getting to know other AAUW members.

In Tucson…
Your AAUW Tucson Public Policy and Advocacy team has committed to bringing you periodic highlights about like-minded organizations and what you can do to get involved.

Periodically, we will highlight other like-minded organizations in the Tucson area. We will feature ways they are advancing equity. Each time we feature an organization, we will include options that allow you to take individual action.

Before the election our focus is on the League of Women Voters of Greater Tucson:
The League espouses “the power of women to create a more perfect democracy.”

Who is the League?
Like AAUW, the League is a non-partisan organization (neither supporting a particular political party nor specific candidates). Their goal is to promote active and informed participation in government. After careful study, they take positions on certain issues to align and act in concert with their mission for the public interest.

What services do they provide?
They provide voter services, citizen education, and advocacy. A recent example is the AAUW supported event called Running & Winning high school workshop. AAUW Tucson financed the luncheon and helped with other logistics. Local women officials and current candidates met  with young women at Santa Rita HIgh School to discuss careers in politics as well as equity issues like women’s health care.


For further information contact Linda Alepin, Advocacy Chair.