AAUW Tucson Branch sponsors a Tucson Great Decisions group that meets each year from January through April. Great Decisions is a nationwide program sponsored by the nonpartisan Foreign Policy Association, encouraging informal discussion of international affairs in small groups. Each year the Great Decisions organization publishes a “briefing book” that group members purchase, consisting of 8 chapters on various topics, which serves as the framework for the year’s discussions. Members may also opt to sign up to receive additional newsletters and updates. Locally, the Tucson Great Decisions Association coordinates almost 30 Great Decisions groups, and also sponsors occasional special public programs with guest speakers. All of this information, including times/locations of other groups, may be accessed through the website http://www.tgda.org.
Our Tucson Great Decisions “season” begins in January and there is no cost to join, the only cost is for the “briefing book” that details the annual program. We gather in the west conference room at the Ward 6 office, located near Country Club Road and Speedway, on Mondays from 10:00a to 11:30a. For those who can’t make it in person, we urge you to participate via Zoom at the same time. And if you find this schedule difficult, you can join other Great Decisions groups in the area: just go to www.tgda.org and click on “Discussion Groups” to see the complete list and schedules.
Questions? Contact Shirley Muney for more information and to sign up.
Remember, AAUW’s concerns are international, as well as local and national. Tucson Great Decisions is open to the public, so it is a great opportunity to meet new people for interesting talk.